Ben and Rik did a bit of brain storming and we came up with the following list of stuff that we think is cool. We're not saying that you should buy it for us necessily ... but if you're ever stuck for birthday ideas for your favorite boys, then take our advice and buy something from this list.
An alternative - and this might sound a bit mercenary - send us an Amazon Gift Certificate. And we can decide what to buy...
CategoryKewl Toys
ComputerLivescribe "Sky" Smart Pen
Logitech BT Android Keyboard
Raspberry Pi Embedded Computer
Samsung Galaxy Note 10.1
InventionsLivescribe "Sky" Smart Pen
Raspberry Pi Embedded Computer
MultimediaSamsung Galaxy Note 10.1

  Raspberry Pi Embedded Computer    
Raspberry Pi Embedded Computer
Click to shop online for one of these
Lowcost single board computer, ideal for those home automation and embedded computing applications.

The RasPi was developed as a low cost, educational computer. The intention of the 'inventors' was to provide computers to children to make them love technology
... yeah, I'm probably not really selling their idea that well, but that's because I believe they're naive and misguided.

Philosophical differences aside, I do thank them for their efforts, as I am a believer in cost computers and I really need to get my hands on one of these Raspberry-Pi devices. It will be a great addition to my collection of Arduinos and other misc. electronic components.

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