Rik's Reads

*I Am The Grand Canyon
ClassicsFarenheit 451
Catcher in the Rye
Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas
Grapes of Wrath
Silas Marner, The Weaver of Raveloe
To Kill a Mockingbird
Geeky Death March (Surviving Doomed Projects)
Executable UML: A Foundation for Model Driven Architecture
Beyond Software Architecture: Creating and Sustaining Winning Solutions
Just XML
Using Perl 5 for Web Programming
GeneralThe Bastard Brigade
Tails of the City
HumorThe Joy of Work
Owt, Nowt and Summat A Toast to All Tykes
Must ReadThe Code Book
Grapes of Wrath
I Am The Grand Canyon
The Silicon Boys and their valley of dreams
To Kill a Mockingbird
Must Read A Confederacy of Dunces
The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks
Relaxing Cannery Row
Into Thin Air
The Martian
Ready Player One
Sci-Fi Farenheit 451
TechieAlice in Quantumland
The Code Book
How to Invent Everything
This Book Isn't Safe
Techie Backroom Boys; the secret return of the british boffin
tbd The Crystal Cave
The Santa Cruz Trailbook
  The Code Book    
The Code Book
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This is a very interesting book. Of course, I'm saying that as someone who's been intrigued by secret codes, puzzles and cryptography since a was a wee sprog.

The early chapters give an interesting history of how the likes of Ceaser, Mary Queen of Scots and Napolean used ciphers for security. Interestingly they were using ciphers like the ones we used to crack as 12 year old kids. They were using them to safeguard national security ... not sure what that says about their national security and my nurd factor as a 12 year old boy! It's true, I didn't know many girls back then

Then we move onto more modern (and stronger) encryption techniques, such as the Eigma machine and pubic key cryptography.

There are lots of interesting accounts of how cryptanalysts have broken encryption through history, while the users of the encryption mistakedly thought their system unbreakable. Makes you wonder exactly how good our current codes are ... has someone already come up with a quick way to factor those large primes?Finally the book takes a look at how quantum physics will allow us to break the strongest of present day encryption, in a matter of seconds, ... oh, except quantum physics also provides us with the ultimate in unbreakable encryption mechanism.

If anyone can explain to me the significance of (p-1) and (q-1) in public key cryptography I would be most greatful.

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