Rik's Reads

*I Am The Grand Canyon
ClassicsFarenheit 451
Catcher in the Rye
Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas
Grapes of Wrath
Silas Marner, The Weaver of Raveloe
To Kill a Mockingbird
Geeky Death March (Surviving Doomed Projects)
Executable UML: A Foundation for Model Driven Architecture
Beyond Software Architecture: Creating and Sustaining Winning Solutions
Just XML
Using Perl 5 for Web Programming
GeneralThe Bastard Brigade
Tails of the City
HumorThe Joy of Work
Owt, Nowt and Summat A Toast to All Tykes
Must ReadThe Code Book
Grapes of Wrath
I Am The Grand Canyon
The Silicon Boys and their valley of dreams
To Kill a Mockingbird
Must Read A Confederacy of Dunces
The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks
Relaxing Cannery Row
Into Thin Air
The Martian
Ready Player One
Sci-Fi Farenheit 451
TechieAlice in Quantumland
The Code Book
How to Invent Everything
This Book Isn't Safe
Techie Backroom Boys; the secret return of the british boffin
tbd The Crystal Cave
The Santa Cruz Trailbook
  The Crystal Cave    
The Crystal Cave
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The Crystal Cave is the first book in a four book series that tells the tales of Arthurian legend.

This book concentrates on the Merlin's early years, growing up in Maridunum, Wales, in the Kings court, learning of his magical powers and helping the British rid Britain of the Saxons. It's been a really good read so far.

Because I've been busy the last couple of months and been away from home, I've had to put the book down for maybe two weeks at a time, but the story is so well told that I can just come straight back to where I left off and have no trouble remembering exactly what was happening.

It's a pretty fat book, with small print and large pages, so I was a bit reluctant to start on it - I though it would be hard work! - but it's been a really fun book to read. I'm almost finished and I can't wait to get onto the next of the four books.

NOTE: I'm really looking forward to reading how Mary Stewart describes Merlin's encounter with The Womba Squad :-)

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